We believe that starting a family should be a dream that everyone can achieve. That’s why we’ve built this section to help you find information about insurance coverage, tax credits and financial support that you may be eligible for as part of your fertility journey.

To see the full list of costs click here

Assessment of your needs

Every fertility journey is unique. To get a better idea of ​​the treatments and costs to expect in your case, you will need to meet with our team and undergo a proper assessment.

That said, some fertility treatments, including fertility assessment, are covered by RAMQ when recommended by a doctor.

At Procrea Fertility, we always start with a general health check and then suggest trying simple fertility treatments before exploring more complex options. This way, you get the care you need without excess financial stress.

RAMQ Medically Assisted Procreation Program

In Quebec, several fertility treatments are covered by the RAMQ's Medically Assisted Procreation Program, allowing any eligible person who is unable to conceive a child to have access to a variety of cutting-edge medical solutions.  

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Drug insurance

If fertility drugs are recommended to you during your treatment, do not hesitate to contact your insurer to fully understand the extent of your coverage. 

In Quebec, many medications are covered by the RAMQ and private insurers, but some are not. Make sure you are well informed about the medications and the percentage of costs reimbursed by your insurance plan to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Medical Expense Tax Credit

Most expenses associated with fertility medications and treatments, including IVF, can be claimed as medical expenses on your tax return. Exceptions apply, however, to expenses related to sperm donation and surrogacy.  

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Every fertility journey is unique. The costs associated with treatments can therefore vary from one person to another. To get a better idea of ​​the expenses to expect in your case, you will need to meet with our team and undergo a proper assessment.

List of prices for treatments and services

Please note that all prices shown are effective as of 00/2024. You can also download the full price list in PDF format.

Pricing policy and rates

Rates may change without notice.

Under the Health Insurance Act (RLRQ, chapter A-29), we are required to display our price list at all times.


Do you have questions about the fertility journey?

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