The impact of lifestyle habits on male health and infertility

by Dre Genevieve Patry

Urologist specializing in male infertility, Procréa Clinique

Fertility is a reflection of overall health. Alcohol, drugs, lack of exercise, stress, excess weight, and unhealthy diet can all have a negative impact on men's reproductive health.

Excess consumption of alcohol can disrupt hormone levels, reduce sperm production and impair sperm quality. Reducing alcohol consumption can therefore help maintain healthy fertility.

Similarly, drugs can have adverse effects on male fertility. More and more studies demonstrate, among other things, the many negative impacts of cannabis use despite the legality of this substance. They can disrupt hormonal functions, decrease libido and even lead to a decrease in sperm production. Stop drug use is therefore essential for fertility.

Regular exercise is also beneficial for male fertility. Moderate to vigorous physical activity can help maintain a healthy weight, improve blood flow, and regulate hormone levels, which can promote healthy sperm production. A study of over 600 men showed that exercising 3 times per week improved many sperm counts, decreased harmful markers of inflammation, decreased DNA fragmentation, and even increased pregnancy rates.

Le excess weight (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and the obesity has many adverse effects on male health. It causes increased heat in the testicles and increases the level of female hormones which in turn increases the risk of infertility and decreases the success rates of assisted reproductive technology such as insemination and IVF. Achieving a healthy weight will increase the chances of having a child.

Le chronic stress and lack of sleep can affect the regulation of sex hormones, hence the importance of trying to reduce stress and getting restful sleep, i.e. sufficient and uninterrupted.

Finally, a balanced and nutritious diet is fundamental to reproductive health. Foods rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can promote the production of healthy sperm and reduce oxidative stress, which can damage sperm.

Scientific studies have revealed that some vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can significantly influence sperm quality, sperm motility, DNA fragmentation and the general health of the male reproductive system such as vitamin C, D, E, folic acid, zinc, selenium, coenzyme Q10 and L-carnitine. A balanced diet, rich in these vitamins and minerals, can therefore be beneficial for men seeking to improve their fertility.

Taking supplements in the form multivitamins (regular or those more specialized in fertility) does not replace a healthy diet but can be a useful complement. However, it is important to note that research on the effect of these supplements on male fertility is still ongoing and that the results may vary from one study to another. In addition, taking supplements does not necessarily guarantee an improvement in fertility and that excessive doses of certain vitamins can also have adverse effects on health.

In summary, adopting good lifestyle habits such as reducing alcohol consumption, stopping drugs, regular exercise, weight loss and healthy eating can play a crucial role in preserving male fertility. These lifestyle choices can not only improve overall health, but also increase the chances of achieving the goal of becoming a father.


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